“Gambling is a sure way to get something from nothing.” – Wilson Mizner



Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Hey are you broke? Got no money or a life? Waiting for something big to happen? Well that can all change, in Vegas that is! As Wilson Mizner said “Gambling is a sure way to get something from nothing.” Life’s bland situations, boring out comes and stillness is all washed away in the city of lights. Anything can happen there so why not head there and give this quote a test drive! However anything can happen in the place you’re at right now and right at this moment. Lives are changed for better or worse, you can never tell, but you can influence it, it’s a gamble and all it takes is a chance. Gambling is about taking a chance, and so that our everyday lives aren’t bland. We’re gambling every moment of our lives, making decisions, taking chance, and our money, is life itself. We’re putting our life on the line every day; however this does not necessarily mean we are putting it in danger. We’re just taking a gamble and hoping we double our proceeds and then triple or even quadruple it. But take this with caution going ever the top can sometimes put you under. You’ll take that nothing  you had make something of it and then throw it all away if you’re not careful. Then where will you be? you’ll be right back where you started, nowhere. So to conclude take a chance, make something of yourself and then live with it and don’t throw it all away for just a .1% chance of making it even better. Just as you can make something from nothing, you can also make nothing from something.


Relevance: **** (Happening right now, your taking a gamble by reading this. )

Meaning: **** (Pretty straight forward, will make life interesting, if  followed)

Practicality: ***** (Life changing)